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"You're Blank, What Now?" Podcast with Marci Nettles

Dec 28, 2022

In this episode, myself and Lt. Randy Sutton discuss his 34 year career in Law Enforcement and the abandonment he experienced after having a stroke on duty in his Las Vegas PD Patrol Car. Randy shares what it was like for him and the realization he had that he was not the only person suffering from on the job injuries...

Dec 21, 2022

In this episode, myself and Michele Laine discuss her family’s story of crisis in business, dealing with banks threatening their security… that led them to learning to surrender to God and cherishing Joy moments in the Storm!


Michele Laine is Founder and CEO of Michele Laine Coaching. She is an Intuitive Life &...

Dec 14, 2022

In this episode, myself and Jordan Adler talk about his struggles with being scared and shy when starting into his career in Network Marketing. Jordan shares how he was part of 11 different companies in 10 years before he had his big aha… you can’t quit yourself to success!


Jordan Adler is one of the highest paid...

Dec 7, 2022

In this episode, myself and Alicia Pesina discuss her childhood experiences and relationships that led her to working in the adult industry as a dancer in a strip club before having a pivotal aha moment on her 30thbirthday that changed her direction and led her to choosing to live her best life!


Alicia Pesina is a...

Nov 30, 2022

In this episode, myself and Lawrence Lotze discuss his journey from being on top of the world, conquering business and life, to learning about a brain tumor that would change the way he looked at everything, from who he is to what is important and what being successful really means to him and how he is giving back!