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"You're Blank, What Now?" Podcast with Marci Nettles

May 4, 2022

EPISODE 38: “You’re a Prisoner Turned Professor, What Now?” with Andre Norman


Hello and WELCOME to the “You’re _______, What now?” Podcast!


I am your host, Marci Nettles. I have had a lifetime of opportunities where I had the choice to Breakdown or Breakthrough... did I always make the “right” choice?  Nope.  I did however find a way to continue moving forward until I was able to see there was a path through my chaos into joy.  This Podcast may become your light in the darkness, as you listen to the stories of people I consider “heroes.” Each one had a point where they too had to choose to either Breakdown or Breakthrough!


In this episode you will hear an ultimate story of redemption of a young boy whose childhood trauma propelled him into selling drugs and becoming entrenched in gang life that led to him being sentenced to over 100 years in prison...


Andre Norman is now an international speaker, best-selling author, and highly sought-after advisor, helping corporations improve how they deal with social justice issues. He is also the nation's leading violence interrupter assisting city and state governing officials to decrease violence in their communities. Andre is called on to inspire change and to be an approachable voice on how our differences can be our greatest strength.



Please CONNECT and FOLLOW Andre:

Facebook: AndreNorman.21

Instagram: @AndreNorman

LinkedIn: Andre Norman


Find Andre’s book, “The Ambassador of Hope” on Amazon.


Thank you for listening!

Subscribe! Review! SHARE! Others NEED to hear the stories being shared!!


Follow Marci on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn at: @MarciNettles


Check out our website at: DondeeAndMarci(dot)com


#PrisonertoProfessor #Redemption #Choice #change #ViolenceDisrupter #SocialJustice #Harvard #LondonBusinessSchool #TheAmbassadorOfHope #YoureBlankWhatNow #ChaosToJoy #BreakdownToBreakThrough #WhatsYourStory  #TheBiohackingTeam #Podcast #Podcaster